February 9, 2009#

Data Distribution Controller for UAV

I’ve just added a new page for a university project that I’ve recently finished. It’s a project aimed to design a hardware device that can manage the distribution of data among various subsystems of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). All information on the project including the official project documentation and the slides of a talk given on this subject are available on the project page.

In this post, I’d only like to share the final result. More precisely, I’m showing two videos of the actual hardware piece rendered by a software called Eagle3D (or more precisely rendered by POV-Ray based on the script generated by Eagle3D). The result is just amazing. See for yourself!

By the way: Both these videos are using YouTube’s new HD features. To get an impression of how much of a difference this makes, check out the standard quality videos here and here. And as a final note: This tutorial did help a lot in figuring out how to get YouTube to generate a HD version of my uploaded videos. You need to upload your videos in exactly the right format, otherwise YouTube just doesn’t do any HD!

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