


  1. Hello,

    Just wanted to say this is a very nice program. I was wondering if you can help me wih a problem. How can i track my airplane (User aircraft position) or use a “follow me” option. Excuse my bad english.

    Thanx, regards

  2. thanks

  3. Fantastic program. Thank you very much.
    Just a little question. Is it possible to adjust the aircraft position according to the compass? each time I try to move around my compass cursor it comes back to his original position I mean North! I can’t change this behavior and it seems there are no perimeters into properties menu. Is it possible to do this?
    Thank you in ad vance for your answer and have a good day Sir.

  4. Hello, I love this app so far I’m new to it and I see great possablitys well I’m here to give a few ideas to enhance this app. More Custimization of synced objects “User Aircraft Postion” and its icon to stay study it goes back to default after each refresh some how to get that customizable. Pehaps the same with air traffic icons. Great app other wise wish some how to get this to broadcast onto google maps as well not just earth part. Something else to grow from. now just a web based HTML sync of some sorts to share location abroad..ya know tons of things to grow from!

  5. I have must arrow in google hearth and the view turn alot around the view do you teel me what is the problem. I found to try the solution anywere but i no found !

  6. Hello
    Need your help please.
    I have problem to launch the Google Earth 4 , I get a window windows explorer ( View and Tracks your download).

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